Maybe you’re planning a C-section delivery or had one unexpectedly, here are the do’s & don’ts post C-section to make you’re translation into motherhood that little bit easier.

Rest when you’re tired.
Walk every day. Walking helps prevent blood clots and constipation.
Hold a pillow over your incision when you need to cough or laugh.
Leave the housework for your partner
Get help when/if you need it!
Eat lots of fibre rich food & drink plenty of water to prevent constipation
Shower normally.
Reach out to a lactation consultant if you have trouble breastfeeding.
Most importantly know its A-OK to just sit and bond with your new bub.
Have the bassinet close to your bed, so you don’t need to get in/out of bed repeatedly throughout the night.
Lift anything heavier than your baby.

Drive (some insurance companies won’t cover you if you have an accident)
Use tampons until you have your doctor’s permission.
Wear tight restrictive clothing that digs into your scar.
Take baths/ go into pools until your incision is healed and your postpartum bleeding has stopped.
Participate in rigorous activity or do core muscle exercises until you have your 6week check up.
Have sex until your doctor says you can.
Take the stairs repeatedly (try and have everything handy and nearby for the day)
Just remember you’ve had (or planning on having) major abdominal surgery, so its completely normal to experience pain, soreness and bleeding. You’ll be a lot more aware of what your body can and can’t do, so be patient with yourself.